【實體➕線上工作坊】12/14(三) 0930-1750 「巴什拉甲子紀念」工作坊 Workshop "Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962): A Sexagenary Memorial",歡迎參加!


Workshop "Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962): A Sexagenary Memorial"

Time:December 14, 2022 (Wed) 09:30-17:50

地點:陽明交通大學光復校區 人社二館106A 
Venue:Room 106A, Humanities Building 2, Chiaotung Guangfu Campus, NYCU
(實體與線上並行 Hybrid meeting)

線上 Zoom:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85626449095?pwd=Slg4R3EyR3daMW12a2Vqc2V1RWtVdz09
會議 ID:856 2644 9095
密碼 Password:526039

▌簡介 Intorduction

巴什拉 (Gaston Bachelard, 1884-1962)堪稱是20世紀上半葉最傑出的法國哲學家之一。他的思想影響了康吉萊姆 (Georges Canguilhem)、傅柯 (Michel Foucault)、席孟東 (Gilbert Simondon)、塞爾 (Michel Serres) 、布迪厄 (Pierre Bourdieu)、巴特 (Roland Barthes)、拉圖爾(Bruno Latour) 等眾多思想家。巴什拉在認識論上的洞見,以及元素詩學的想像,透過各種語文翻譯,分別在科學與技術哲學、文學批評、藝術與建築等不同領域有著深遠影響。

Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962) is one of the most distinguished French philosophers in the 20th century. His thought has inspired significant thinkers including Georges Canguilhem, Michel Foucault, Gilbert Simondon, Michel Serres, Pierre Bourdieu, Roland Barthes, and Bruno Latour. Bachelard's epistemological insight and imagination of poetics of elements have gained momentum through different translations and thus have profound influence on the philosophy of science and technology, literary criticism, art and architecture. 


maximum number of participants physically attending is 25, registration form: https://reurl.cc/EXVWva

Presentation language:Chinese and English, according to the languages of the abstracts

