

※ 請勿一稿多投或投曾公開發表之論文。
1. AI在教育傳播中的角色與影響
2. AI於個性化學習與教學適應性的應用
3. AI在傳播研究上的運用
4. AI對傳播模式的影響
5. 教育科技對傳統教學模式的顛覆與創新
6. AI與倫理:數據隱私、安全與媒體識讀等問題
7. AI在課程設計與學習評估中的應用
8. 自然語言辨識與其他技術發展與運用
9. 其他與研討會主題相關之研究領域
1. 本研討會採摘要審查,可用中文或英文撰寫,字數以1,000-1,500字為限。
2. 凡摘要審查通過者,將獲邀以「口頭發表」或「壁報發表」之形式於研討會發表論文。
3. 內容應涵蓋標題、作者(報告者請標註*)、報告者email、服務單位、內文(含研究背景與目的、研究方法、結果與結論),撰寫時應儘量包含關鍵詞以凸顯論文主題。關鍵字以5項為限。
4. 投稿截止日期為 2024年3月20日。僅接受以線上投稿,網址:https://forms.gle/V2W7ay81sQCfUNgz8
5. 論文經匿名審查後,於2024年3月29日公告發表名單,並寄發發表邀請信函。
聯絡電話:(02)2236-8225 轉83173
Call for papers
2024 International Conference on AI and Communication Innovation:
Trends and Challenges in Higher education
I. Theme Description
   The rapid ascent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has ushered in opportunities and challenges for the media and higher education sectors. With AI's robust and increasingly diverse applications, its impact on the education system is growing, notably in teaching methods, curriculum design, student interaction, and evaluation strategies. This symposium aims to cultivate a close dialogue between academia and industry, fostering reflection on AI's role in higher education. Through in-depth discussions, we aspire to deepen our collective understanding of AI's role in the field and shape a more comprehensive, balanced, and forward-thinking approach to the advancement of educational technology.
  Generative AI, a dynamic, burgeoning field, has revolutionized the media ecosystem and current work patterns. The utilization of AI-generated content (AIGC) has elevated the significance of media literacy to unprecedented levels. The ability to rapidly produce and accumulate content brings forth a significant challenge – distinguishing truth from falsehood. In an era marked by a blend of natural and fake media, higher education professionals, committed to truth, must be increasingly vigilant about AI's ethical, legal,
and social responsibilities. This vigilance ensures that technological advancements align with the core principles of human understanding and compassionate care. Therefore, this conference aims to provide a diverse platform to encourage in-depth dialogue and knowledge sharing among academic researchers, educators, policymakers, and technology developers. In the face of change, we should actively utilize innovative technological means to improve the quality and effectiveness of education. At the same time, we should prioritize people and consider the role of technology in empowering educational innovation. We eagerly look forward to using this international conference as an opportunity for profound exchange and collaboration, injecting new impetus into the development of global higher education and charting the course for the future innovation and application of educational technology.
II. Conference Information
    1. Conference date:19 April 2024
    2. Venue:Shih-Hsin University, Taipei (Taiwan)
    3. Organizers:College of Journalism and Communications, Department of Speech Communication and            Social Media, Shih-Hsin University
    4. Theme:AI and Communication Innovation: Trends and Challenges in Higher Education
    5. Submission Deadline:20 March 2024
   ※Submissions that are identical (or substantially similar) to versions that have
   been published, accepted for publication, or submitted in parallel to this or other conferences or journals 
   are not allowed and violate our dual submission policy.
III. Target contributors
Industrial experts, scholars, teachers, and graduate students interested in the conference theme or subtopics, both domestically and internationally, are welcome to submit contributions.
IV. Suggested topics (include, but are not limited to the following)
1. The Role and Impact of AI in Educational Communication
2. The Application of AI in Personalized Learning and Teaching Adaptability
3. The Use of AI in Communication Studies
4. The Impact of AI on Communication Models
5. The Subversion and Innovation of Traditional Teaching Models by Educational Technology
6. AI and Ethics: Issues of Data Privacy, Security, and Media Literacy
7. The Application of AI in Curriculum Design and Learning Assessment
8. Natural Language Recognition and the Development and Application of Other Technologies
9. Other Research Areas Related to the Themes of the Seminar
V. Submission Guideline
1. This conference adopts an abstract review process. Submissions can be written in either Chinese or
    English, with a word limit of 1,000 to 1,500 words.
2. Those whose abstracts are accepted will be invited to present their papers in either an "oral presentation"
    or a "poster presentation" format at the conference.
3. The content should include the title, the author(s) (please mark with an asterisk * for the presenter), the
    presenter's email, the affiliated institution, and the main text (covering the background and purpose of the
    research, methodology, results, and conclusions). Using keywords is encouraged to highlight the paper's
    central themes, with a limit of 5.
4. The deadline for submissions is March 20, 2024. Submissions are only accepted online at
5. Following an anonymous peer review, the list of accepted papers will be announced on March 29, 2024,
    and an official invitation to present will be sent out.
VI. Contact Information
Miss Jiang,
Department of Speech Communication and Social Media,
Shih-Hsin University
Tel:+886-2-2236-8225 #83173
VII.Conference websitehttps://reurl.cc/E19grR