2009年年會論文 -既熟悉又疏離的國族想像與認同─從「海角七號」看台灣七年級生心中的「台灣味」
Imaging Nation in both Familiar and Alienated Way:Examining Taiwanese in 80 ’ Generation ’s Taiwaneseness through Cape No.7
Yang Fang Liu
This article borrows Bourdieu’s idea about ‘cultural capital’ and tries to discuss that how do Taiwanese youth think about the the movie ‘Cape No. 7’ and the concept about ‘Taiwaneseness’. I also try to discuss that how does ‘Taiwaneseness’ practiced in youth’s everyday lives. I discovered that when we identify and image about our ethnic and the national culture, class plays a very important role. The 80 ’ Generation who are high educated, living in the city (have higher cultural capital), view local landscape, language and culture in Taiwan with a class consciousness. When they (my formats) talked about the local landscape, it may associated with the imagination of their ‘hometown’, but the ‘hometown’ had some kind of ‘exoticism’ when it compared to their modern ways of living .When they talked about the local language and culture, they thought it all presented the’ Other’, but when they had to confirm the nation identity, local language and culture play a crucial role in this moment. For the 80 ’ Generation , local culture in Taiwan is the Other which is in the heterodox class in their everyday life . It changed into the ‘Self’ only when they have to distinguish the Self from the Other in the international manner. My discovery highlighted some disjuncture between their everyday life and national identities , it presented the familiar and alienated imagination for the 80 ’ Generation’s nation.