2010年年會論文 -美國新聞雜誌報導中國之研究-- 以《時代》的北京奧運新聞為例
美國新聞雜誌報導中國之研究-- 以《時代》的北京奧運新聞為例
U.S. News magazine China Study --To "TIME" as an example the Beijing Olympic Games News
為觀察《時代》報導下的中國呈現的樣貌,因此範圍將包含申奧成功\至奧運結束,時間範圍選取,自2001年7月北京申奧成功\起至2008年8月北京奧運結束止,共計觀察97個月份的《時代》奧運相關報導。文本方面,本研究採用《時代》官方網站的資料庫,以「Beijing Olympic Games」做關鍵字檢索,共計264 個有效樣本。 研究發現,《時代》在報導北京奧運相關報導上,維持自1992年以來的報導風格,以客觀新聞報導為其新聞主體,其次是評論性新聞。由此呈現兩種風貌,其一是力求新聞的忠實呈現,新聞報導透過多方消息來源及其觀點,重新拼湊重要的國際事件,以達到客觀新聞的基本要求;其二則是主觀評論的立場彰顯,《時代》創辦人魯斯曾說:「新聞先講真理,真相不過是其次」,由於客觀新聞與主觀評論的分道揚鑣,加大評論性報導的施展空間。1992年4月後的《時代》風格,由客觀新聞報導維持其新聞權威與公信力,並藉由主觀評論的批判觀點,保持其做為國際事務觀察的媒介責任,擁護媒介立場與意識形態。 中國國家形象的對外宣傳,以及其實質的作用,都說明了中國尋求「主動」的意圖,中共將軟實力視為「文化安全」的重要指標,尤其是在世界輿論語境中,話語權的掌握成為主動的關鍵。可以瞭解到,中共形象建構最終希望有朝一日能夠做到「文化安全的反攻」,拿下世界輿論的話語權,讓世界聽到中國的聲音,看到中國想表現的面貌,但筆者認為,中國如不確實的改善人權、社會問題,一味的做所謂的正面宣傳,實際效果預期相當有限,尌如同北京奧運的國家形象宣 傳,在《時代》的報導下相形失色。
In the long run the Western media in reporting China, begin with a negative image of the majority, out of China in the international efforts and the Olympics special moment, "Time" reports on China if there are changes, or will they maintain their U.S. point of view, so I wonder. To observe the "Time" reported that China under the present appearance, so the scope will include the end of the successful Olympic bid to the Olympic Games, the time range selected, from July 2001 until Beijing ’s successful Olympic bid in August 2008 to the end of the Beijing Olympics, for a total observation of 97 month of the "Time" Olympics-related stories. Text area, this study used "Time" official Web site database to "Beijing Olympic Games" to do keyword searches, a total of 264 valid samples. To observe the "Time" reported that China under the present appearance, so the scope will include the end of the successful Olympic bid to the Olympic Games, the time range selected, from July 2001 until Beijing ’s successful Olympic bid in August 2008 to the end of the Beijing Olympics, for a total observation of 97 month of the "Time" Olympics-related stories. Text area, this study used "Time" official Web site database to "Beijing Olympic Games" to do keyword searches, a total of 264 valid samples. China ’s national image of the external publicity, as well as its substantive effect, have shown that the Chinese seek "active" intent, the CPC will soft power as a "culture of security" an important indicator, especially in the context of world public opinion, the discourse of the right to to master to become a key initiative. Could see that the image of the construction of the ultimate hope that one day the Chinese Communists can do "culture of security, counter-attack", won the right to speak of world opinion, let the world hear the voice of China to see China ’s wish to show their face, but I believe that if China does not Indeed the improvement of human rights, social issues, blindly to do the so-called positive publicity, the actual results expected to be limited, just as the national image of the Beijing Olympics propaganda, in the "Time" reported the next dwarfed.
Beijing Olympic Games, "Time", content analysis, China