2005年年會論文 -建構319槍擊案之圖像—國民黨電子報論述之幻想主題分析
The image as constructed in The Gundown of 319- Fantasy theme analysis on KMT ’s online newspaper
The gundown which happened on the 319 before the Eve of President Election of 2004 was astound at everyone. The different opinions and articles appeared recently. The confliction between the gundown and the election also forced KMT to contend. Therefore, the analysis base on the fantasy theme analysis to break the fantasy theme and the rhetorical vision which made by KMT after the gundown after 319, it also espy the KMT supporters ’ opinions of the gundown of 319 in the discourse. We can also evaluate the persuasion of KMT discourses.
The rhetorical vision of "Seeking the Truth" as constructed in KMT ’s Online Newspaper are found. The rhetorical vision is made by setting theme, character them and character theme. The rhetorical vision also constructed two contrastive but interconnected worlds. KMT uses the claptrap to match the gundown of 319 with the President Election of 2004. For achieve the authorize and feasible discourse, KMT mentioned the unconvincing Taiwan society under Abian-Team ’s govern. In this world, Abian and his team members are those characters who love to be foul-minded and double-dealer so that all the actions in the gundown of 319 were calculated. The discourse also brings the gundown and the impact of the elective distrust together. The discourse also pushes those people who support KMT to appear in the remonstrant place. Sean Lien, who leads those KMT supporters, asks to advertise the facts of the truth so that he projects the activity of "seeking the truth". Through the discourse system, KMT can move the emotions of people. The main reason of the persuasion of the discourse is "seeking the truth". The analysis based on the website and textbooks. It obverted the fantasy theme and rhetorical vision. In fact, the rhetorical community chain out the fantasy theme.
the gundown of 319﹐fantasy-theme analysis﹐Abian-Team﹐KMT