2010年年會論文 -線上角色扮演遊戲需求與網路效應
The Value of Social Networks: Estimating the Effect of Direct Network Externalities on the Demand of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games
W. Wayne Fu
Massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) have gained increasing popularity around the world. MMORPGs are distinct from traditional video games because they interact with other players simultaneously. Therefore, MMORPGs are network products and so are influenced by network externalities—the value of a game to a player increases as the size of the game user base grows. This study aims to empirically examine direct network effects on the market demand of individual MMORPGs and thereby provide insight into the value people place on social networks. According to conventional economic wisdom (the law of demand), the lower the price is, the more units of the product are in demand. But when products exhibit network externalities, the network-value effect of a larger user base has a positive impact on the demand.This should moderate the conventional inverse price-quantity relationship—a hypothesis this study investigates. An empirical model is devised to estimate the game-specific demand for MMORPGs taking into account both the network effect and the price effect of the installed user base. A sample of 122 released MMORPGs is tested, utilizing data on the website MMORPG.com. The estimation shows a negative price-quantity relationship in the demand function, with or without the perceived value of the game’s network size separately controlled for. Nonetheless, the downward slope of the demand curve becomes much less steep when the network effect is not explicitly distinguished from the price effect than when it is. That is, the network effect associated with a marginal user flattens out the demand curve’s downward slope.The results provide strong evidence for the existence of direct network externalities in MMORPGs, which is crucial to the understanding about how MMORPGs thrive or dwindle in the online game market.