2012年年會論文 -跨代影響: 知識鴻溝和政治鴻溝 —— 以澳門和珠海地區爲例
跨代影響: 知識鴻溝和政治鴻溝 —— 以澳門和珠海地區爲例
Cross Generation Knowledge Gap and the Political Gap: Comparison the SES Model between Macau and Zhuhai
當前社會,在富人和窮人之間的經濟鴻溝,日益嚴重(Gaziano, 1997; Levy, 1995;
McLanahan & Casper, 1995; Fisher et al, 1995)。同樣,在近幾十年,中國大陸經濟
2002 年賭權開放後,也面臨著和中國大陸之間類似的問題。 本研究試圖探討中
選取澳門和廣東省珠海市的中學生各 500 名作為測試對象,檢驗“家長的政治態
和珠海——這兩個地理相連而政治制度相异的華人社會中,SES 對知識溝的關係
The persistence of knowledge inequalities has serious consequences (Gaziano, 2001),
but unfortunately it is the reality of the modern society, especially in the past
century.The proposed research aims to study the relationship between the
socio-economic status (SES) and political attitude and knowledge gaps of parents and
their children of Macau and its neighbor: Zhuhai.

Knowledge gap hypothesis (Tichenor, Donohue and Olien, 1970) posits that people
with higher socio-economic status (SES) tend to acquire the information from mass
media at a faster rate than those with lower socio-economic status. As a result, the
knowledge disparity between well-to-do and less-well-off becomes larger and larger.
The offspring from high socio-economic status families may inherit some or all of the
above advantages from their parents. Therefore, the offspring from high SES families
may have more advantages than those from low SES families in acquiring current
affairs knowledge. As a result, the differential knowledge between high and low SES
parents may pass on to their next generation because of the direct and indirect
influence of the SES of their parents.

Findings will test that the political attitudes and knowledge of parents are directly and
indirectly reproduced in their children’s attitudes and knowledge levels. The disparity
in parents’ current affairs knowledge based on SES differences may extend to their
children. Such SES-based knowledge differences may persist across generations.

This research undertakes three major tasks. The first is to examine whether the SES
based knowledge gap of parents will pass onto their descendants. The second and
more specifically, to examine what is the relationship between the SES groups’
knowledge differential in a society experiencing political and economic transition, i.e.
Macau and Zhuhai. Finally, we are also very glad to do the comparison between the ‘twin’ cities, similar in the size in square, population, and economic level, but
different in political system.

Results are likely to contribute to knowledge about the interplay between social
transition, interpersonal communication and mass communication in Macau. It also
suggest recommendations to cross the knowledge gap based on SES of Macau society
and assist to build up a harmonious society during the dramatic political and
economic transition period.