2016年年會論文 -民意的再現:太陽花學運期間台灣主流報紙讀者投書研究
The Representation of Public Opinion: A Study on Readers



Habermas’ Public Sphere theory is the dominant paradigm of the study of mass media representing public opinion. However, in the present discussion, public opinion is mainly replaced by sources of the stories, and the critiques focus on the political stance and commercial interests of the media. Taking the readers letters to the four mainstream newspapers in Taiwan during the Sunflower Movement as the research object, this article employs content analysis and Communicative Rationality to explain the relationship between the media and the public sphere, and examine the performance of the mass media during the movement from the dimensions of pluralism and interaction. It turns out that readers letters to the four newspapers are mainly written by a single role of social movement as spectators, of which specialists and scholars is the dominant part, thus ignoring the representation of the dealers (government) and the actors (students). As to the issues discussed, the newspapers focus on three issues, which is the movement process, the government’s behavior during the movement, and Taiwan's democracy behind the movement, and ignore those deeper topics such as CSSTA and the youth generation in Taiwan. In terms of the attitudes, despite the four newspapers having their own position, the attitude of supporting the movement is the majority. Finally, in the respect of representing feeling structure, in addition to the China Times ’ preference for emotional expression, the other newspapers show equal proportion of cognitive and emotional expression. And in the emotional expression, negative emotion, mostly tough-anger, suppresses other emotions. Moreover, the absence of pluralism squeezes and twists the quality of the participants ’ dialogue and interaction in this public space.In the dimension of interaction, United Daily News basically forms an interaction between dealers, actors and spectators despite of their different attitudes. The other three share different degrees of monologue, leading to low quality of interaction. In general, all four newspapers ’ representation of the public opinion is dominantly composed of spectators ’ comments and negative emotions.

sunflower movement, public sphere, public opinion, representation