2019年年會論文 -客家流行音樂中小型現場演唱會之閱聽人研究
The Audience Studies of the Hakka Pop Music Live concert.
胡祺梓 吳翠松

本論文以客家售票演唱會之閱聽人為研究對象,研究者共參與 18 場客家 演唱會,其中有 16 場歌手自行舉辦的售票演唱會, 2 場公部門舉辦的免費演 唱會,並且訪談八位閱聽人。研究者將客家演唱會依其音樂組成元素成份多 寡粗分為三種類型,一為傳統歌謠音樂風格演唱會,以黃連煜演唱會為觀察 場域;二為具有當代流行歌曲風格演唱會,以黃子軒演唱會為觀察場域;三 為具有獨立精神創作風格演唱會,以林生祥演唱會為觀察場域。研究結果發 現,在不同類型的客家演唱會場域中,有著不同的參與動機、組成成員及現 場體驗。
研究結果發現,在傳統歌謠音樂風格演唱會的閱聽人多為族群為客家 人,會支持並購買的原因是因為支持客家;具有當代流行歌曲風格演唱會及 具有獨立精神創作風格演唱會的閱聽人閩南人及客家人皆有,然此處客家人 受訪者說會聽當代流行歌曲風格演唱會的主要目的為支持歌手創作客家音 樂,閩南族群閱聽人則認為會去聽具有當代流行歌曲風格演唱會的原因是喜 歡歌手的創作音樂,而客家閱聽人及閩南閱聽人會去聽具有獨立精神創作風 格演唱會的原因是本身是歌迷,為了朝聖而願意每場都去聽。



The study mainly discusses the different meanings and interpretations of the audience participation motivation and psychological feelings in the live concerts of these Hakka pop music concerts, and the different meanings and interpretations produced and how the audience interpret the meaning of the concert. Hakka concerts are divided into three types: One is a traditional folk music concerts, with Ayugo Huang concert as the observation field. The second is the concert with contemporary pop music , with Huang Zi-Xuan concert as the observation field. The third is a concert with the hakka indie-music , with Lin Sheng-Xiang concert as the observation field. The results of the study showed that most of the audience in the traditional folk music concerts were Hakkas. Advocating Hakkas was the main reason for supporting concerts also buying tickets. By contrast, the audience for contemporary pop music and independent music concerts had both Hakkas and Minnans. The results showed that for contemporary pop music concerts, to Hakkas, advocating Hakkas was the main reason for attending the concerts. On the other hand, to Minnans, they like the singer or the songs were the reasons for attending the concerts. As for independent music concerts, the study indicated that to Hakkas and Minnans both, reason for attending the concerts was because they were fans of the singer, they are groupies and are willing to every pilgrimage.

Keyword:Hakka Pop Music、Live concert、Meaning、 Audience、Fan 

Hakka Pop Music、Live concert、Meaning、 Audience、Fan