2019年年會論文 -媒體什麼素養?數位什麼能力?數位素養初探
What Literacy and Competency regarding Media in the Digital Era: A Preliminary Study on Digital Literacy
Ping-Hung Chen

隨著網際網路與數位傳播平台的興起,媒體指涉的定義已被改寫,媒體 素養課程的課程主體亦需隨之改變,所有媒體素養課程所要建構的核心能力 及測量核心能力的指標也該一併被重新檢視。也是說,能不能有個最適詞彙 可以取代「數位時代媒體素養」的說法?以及當課程主題的媒體都以多元化, 那麼課程相關的核心能力與能力指標是否都需要重新被建構?本論文即希望 能完成這兩樣的迫切任務。
本研究採取德惠法組成 27 人德惠小組,針對從文獻整理出來的名詞,透 過三回合的問卷調查以決定哪一個或哪幾個是指涉未來數位時代媒體素養概 念的最適詞彙。其次本研究利用網路資料庫,以數位素養等 26 個關鍵字篩選 出 364 篇期刊論文或書籍,經過多回合的整併與摘錄,共整理出 25 個數位時 代媒體素養的能力指標,再加上第一回合德惠專家的建議,增加兩個指標, 共 27 個指標,接著完成評估 27 個能力指標重要性與學習意願的問卷,針對 全台 11 所大學 13 門課程共 1195 人次的修課學生填寫問卷,完成指標重要性 意見,並比較教師與學生在指標重要性評量上的差異,供教師在未來開設相 關課程時的課程設計依據,實踐教育領域強調的以學習者的需求為中心的建 構式教學策略的主張。


With the development of communication technology, as well as the inevitable trend of digital convergence, the definition of “media” and types vary with the times. The core meaning and theoretical implication of media literacy, as well as media education, may change, media literacy is therefore renamed "information literacy,” “digital literacy,” “information technology literacy,” “multimedia literacy,” “media information literacy,” or collectively referred to “multiliteracies,” or “new literacies,” but a bit confusing that which is more suitable to apply to the new core concept and competency of media literacy in the digital era? This study is to investigate whether the diversification of media has changed the core meaning, as well as theoretical concept, of media literacy, and the connotation of media literacy should advance with the times and may be revised. Based on this main inquiry, this study conducted document analysis, literature review, and the Delphi method to collectively select more suitable terminology, as well as competency indicators of media literacy in the digital era. This study also conducted a questionnaire survey for college students to discover media literacy competency of the young generation in the digital era, as well as to compare the difference of competency in terms of significance between teachers and students.

Keywords: media literacy, media education, digital literacy, competency indicator, optimal terminology  



media literacy, media education, digital literacy, competency indicator, optimal terminology