2020年年會論文 -跨性別國家主義:「謝尖順事件」之媒體語藝框架分析
Constructing Transgender Nationalism: A Rhetorical Framing Analysis of Media Discourse of the “Hsieh Chien Shun Event”

本研究旨在對 1950 年代台灣的「謝尖順事件」之媒體報導進行語藝框架分析。「謝尖順事件」是台灣欲藉由打造「自由中國」的形象以建立統治正當性的性別事件和關鍵個案,其中更揭櫫「跨性別國家主義」(transgender nationalism)的語藝運作。研究發現,在謝尖順的報導的「過程敘事」中,看似多重異質的聲音腔調透過管道框架、責任/義務框架、個人化框架和策略框架,具體架構出的變性或雙性身體,一方面乃異於醫學知識或一般常識之病理域外狀態,另一方面更被迫持續困免而行地往主流性別二分框架靠攏。再者,謝尖順「在場卻缺席」的可見性危機使得她的存在雖然挑戰了當時社會對於性的生物本質論、身體與性別認同間的連續性之既定慣性認識,卻釀成更全面地、更大規模地、更有「國家性」甚至是國際觀的對性別身體和個體的馴化管控。在此,約定俗成的異性戀霸權與性別僵化觀得被回溯性地、無縫接軌地藉由性別重建手術而確立其優勢排他地位。性別與身體的重新打造不但因此與個體的自我、自主意識無涉;更有甚者,醫療、軍隊和國家共謀的語藝奇觀更巧妙地把謝尖順微弱的現聲論述為深明大義、以國家之名、以大局為重。  


 This paper aims to elaborate the rhetorical function and implication of “transgender nationalism” by analyzing the media reporting and its rhetorical framing of the “Hsieh Chien Shun Event”. The “Hsieh Chien Shun Event” is a gendered event and critical case in Taiwan in 1950s; thereby, the kuomingtang government attempted to construct its political legitimacy and technological advancement of the “free China” (by contrast to decay and the uncivilized of mainland China). This paper mentions that multiple voices referring to Hsieh exemplified the specific kind of emergence narrative via conduit frame, accountability frame, personalization frame and strategy frame. Herein, a transitional or intersexual body is diagnosed as an alien or abnormal state which is apart from existed medical knowledge and technological common sense; nevertheless, that body status still edges up to the mainstream gender binary exhaustedly. Even though the media representation of Hsieh indeed dismantled the supposed continuity between biological sex and gender identity to some extent,
Hsieh’s “present absent” and visibility politics still activated the overwhelming, nationalized and internationalized disciplinary control over individualized body from the government of Taiwan at that time. Based on the research findings, the social convention of cisgender and compulsory heterosexualism were recognized its superiority and exclusivity reciprocally by sex reassignment surgery in this case. Furthermore, the reconstruction of sex and body was deployed as the spectacle by the conspiracy rhetoric among medical system, military army and the nation state rather than the gender consciousness and self of Hsieh herself. The faint existence and weak voice of Hsieh cannot be anything but the reified and patriotic object in the name of
the country.

the free China; homonationalism; transgender; transgender nationalism; rhetorical framing; Hsieh Chien Shun