2020年年會論文 -環境議題的媒體關注與框架分析:以空氣污染議題為例
Media attention and framing analysis of environmental issues: Taking air pollution issue as an example
Yang, Yie-Jing

本研究採用媒體報導量分析以及內容分析方法,剖析空污議題的媒體關注以及媒體再現內容。報導量分析總共分析了1987-2017年國內外五家報紙媒體,研究結果發現,空污議題整體報導量為增多之趨勢,自2011年開始攀升,2015年達到媒體關注的 第二高點,2017年則是達到了最高峰。美國報紙雖然整體報導量最多,但與台灣媒體呈現增多的趨勢不同,反而是早期對於空污的報導較為關注。
內容分析則以2017年《聯合報》與《New York Times》兩報進行深度的比較分析。 研究結果指出,台灣媒體的空污新聞報導多集中在冬季,但美國報紙對於空污的報導月份相對較為平均。台灣媒體空污新聞以報導台灣本身的空污議題為主,反觀《New York Times》,雖然以報導美國的空污議題最多,但對於其它地區的報導也不少。台灣《聯合報》報導有關台灣空污新聞的發生地點,主要以南部為最多。至於空污的報導 主題,《聯合報》與《New York Times》對於空污議題的報導皆以「政府因應與相關政策」主題為最多。兩家報紙對於消息來源的引用則不盡相同,《聯合報》較重視官方及 專家消息來源,《New York Times》引用消息來源較為多元。《聯合報》與《New York Times》最常報導「重生框架」,但前者明顯多於後者不少。此外,《聯合報》較《New York Times》重視空污的責任討論,而《New York Times》則較重視空污對環境的破壞、造成的損失、以及可能產生的疾病,而此也顯現兩報對空污新聞報導的框架有所不同。


This study used media quantity analysis and content analysis methods to analyze the media attention and media representation of air pollution issues. The quantity analysis of five newspaper media in Taiwan and US from 1987 to 2017 found that the air pollution issue has always been the focus of media reports. The overall coverage quantity was on the rise, starting to climb in 2011, reaching the second highest point of media attention in 2015, and reaching the highest peak in 2017. Although American newspaper had the most reports, they were different from the increasing trend of Taiwan media. Instead, they paid more attention to air pollution in the early days.
The content analysis was based on a comparative analysis of the two newspapers, the “United Daily” and “New York Times” in 2017. The results of the study pointed out that Taiwan’s air pollution news reports were mostly concentrated in the winter, but US newspapers coverage of air pollution were relatively evenly on different months. Taiwan newspaper’s air pollution news mainly focused on Taiwan's own air pollution issues. In contrast, the New York Times also reported other regions’ news of air pollution. Taiwan's newspaper reported the air pollution that mainly occurred in the south area. As for topics of air pollution, the “United Daily " and "New York Times" reported the most topics of "government’s responsibility and related policies". Regarding to news sources of the two newspapers were not the same. The "United Daily" paid more attention to "official and expert sources", and the “New York Times” quoted multiple sources. The “United Daily” & “New York Times” most often reported on the "Rebirth framing", but the former was significantly more than the latter. In addition, the “United Daily” focused more attention to the discussion of air pollution responsibilities than the “New York Times”, while the “New York Times” paid more attention to the environmental damage, losses and possible diseases caused by air pollution. Taiwanese & American Newspapers had different news framing of air pollution reporting. 

air pollution, media attention, framing analysis, environmental issues