2023年年會論文 -恰逢出走的厭世,如何走出?「厭 世」感覺結構:矛盾和失衡的不安,認知和傳統意識的衝撞
恰逢出走的厭世,如何走出?「厭 世」感覺結構:矛盾和失衡的不安,認知和傳統意識的衝撞
How to get out of the Tired of Life? "World-weary " Structure of feeling: conflicts and imbalances, conflicts between cognition and traditional consciousness

 「厭世」,是立基在當代臺灣的社會脈絡中,年輕一代間尚且在變動的新型共感。這樣的感覺結構,是「新型思維」與「當前主流社會和傳統文化」衝突後,被碰撞出的一抹失衡、無力,和矛盾感覺。而厭世是跨區域和具有時間性、非橫斷面的集體社會的狀態。 在向上大框架探尋的過程發現,除卻廣為論及「新資本主義崩壞」外,也與現代性和現代性的建構與反思的過程相關。 本研究對厭世的關懷,不是在探究「厭世」的感覺是否為真實、是耽溺於小確幸或沈淪於消極的「逃避現實」狀態,而是期望透過探討「論述」的過程,試圖擴展厭世的溝通空間,並透過感覺結構取徑的理解,勾勒當前社會那尚道不清、說不明的朦朧厭世共感輪廓。藉此為身於「厭世」其中或欲探討社會狀態或理解個人的真正需求的道路上,盡稍許微薄的助力。


 The popularity of "world-weary" has gradually attracted the attention of Taiwanese media and scholars since about 2017. In the past, most people attributed the generation of misanthropy to an explanation that closely revolved around the economic aspect, similar to "the poor way and the curse of neoliberal development". This study believes that the core of the current misanthropy should be the imbalance of thought and emotion, and the economy is one of the background conditions for generating misanthropy, rather than a complete and adequate explanation. Worldweariness should be a touch of imbalance, powerless anxiety, and ambivalence after the conflict between "new thinking" and "current mainstream society and traditional culture". The loss of the spiritual level such as thought and emotion has a higher priority than the material level. The world-weary feeling, whether it is its own structure that is still changing, or as a feeling, has perceptual and inexplicable characteristics in nature. When it is described in rational terms, there may be deep social layers that cannot be touched or grasped. because. This study believes that when describing the characteristics of the world-weary state, its structural causes, or the subsequent suggestions for getting out of the world-weary, it should be more fluid and diverse than the ambiguous description. Some previous studies or media discourses are too conclusive or binary in terms of labeling. Just ask: 1. What is the structure of the feeling of world-weariness? 2. How did the mass media discuss the contradictory misanthropy in the past? 3. How does the discourse construction of the media reproduce the authoritative mainstream consciousness? 

World-weary/Tired of Life, The Generation of Weariness, young generation, Structure of Feeling, discourse analysis.