2023年年會論文 -性別差異的「關係」-以調查局女性據點工作為例
Gender differences in Guanxi: A case study of female special agent in Investigation Bureau

 隨我國政府順應聯合國世界婦女聯合大會 1995 年於北京召開的大會宣言, 於 2005 年全面推動性別主流化政策起,許多原本以男性作為主要的陽剛職場一 一遭受人力招考的性別比例限制挑戰,法務部調查局即在 2006 年取消女性進用人數不得高於 20%的限制。然而,在性別比例限制取消後,真正的茶壺風暴才正在逐漸升溫。以調查局兩大職掌之一的維護國家安全而言,被稱為「據點工作」 的情報搜集工作絕對是重中之重。但一方面,在慣常以性別水平職業隔離原則分工的調查局內,並不傾向編派女性從事的佈線及情報工作;但在 2006 年取消女性進用名額限制後,女性調查員人數大幅增加,不得不將讓女性分發至需要在指定的轄區內,與絕大多數為生理男性的各方人士建立關係、鞏固情誼、打好交情,以獲得情資線報之據點工作。然而,女性在面臨關係建立時所難以避免的傳統性別角色分工、性別歧視及性暴力,成為從事據點工作的女性調查員無可逃避的工作地景。而本文將以半結構式訪談法及參與觀察法研究調查局女性據點如何理解 並詮釋其工作場域中性別權力關係?而在此認知下,如何在轄區內、地方上進行 「關係」的建立及維護以遂行工作任務?


 Following the United Nations World Conference on Women's declaration in Beijing in 1995, the government promoted gender mainstreaming in 2005, and many male dominated masculine jobs were challenged by the gender ratio restriction on recruitment. However, it was only after the gender ratio restriction was lifted that the real teapot storm began to heat up. In the case of the Bureau of Investigation, whether it is promotion, performance appraisal, transfer, the rule of man is strong, the grassroots staff want to get the opportunity to move up, not only must fight for a relatively brighter business content, but also must establish a good relationship with senior officials, to facilitate the future arrangements to pave the way. On the other hand, the gender segregation principle does not tend to assign women to work in line and intelligence work (collectively referred to as stronghold work in the investigation bureau), but the number of women has increased significantly and women have to be assigned to stronghold work that requires networking, building relationships with various people, and consolidating friendships to obtain intelligence reports and other work rewards. However, the traditional division of gender roles, gender discrimination, and sexual violence that women face in relationship building are inescapable work situations for female investigators working in the field. In this paper, we use semi-structured interviews and participant observation to examine how female investigators understand and interpret gender power relations in their workplace. With this understanding, how do they build relationships and carry out tasks inside and outside the organization?

Investigation Bureau, Intelligence agent, Guanxi, Masculine workplace, sex discrimination