1999年年會論文 -新聞記者的社會智能:再論記者與消息來源之互動
On the News Reporter ’s Social Intelligence
Tsang, Kuo-Jen、Chung, Wei-Wen、Yang, Christine
認知心理學近些年來的新發展之一,在於突破過去以人為主的研究傳統,開始探索人際之間的互動心理。有關社會智能的討論,尤其廣受相關領域研究者的歡迎。本研究延續過去幾年對新聞專家生手之研究興趣,借用社會智能概念,討論記者與消息來源間的互動如何涉及自我與他人之間的認知與執行能力(practical knowledge)。




The purpose of this study was to further explore the pattern of interaction between the news reporter and news source. Following our past experience in studying this relationship in news reporting, we introduced the concept of "social intelligence" in this paper, defined as a person ’s ability to understand and respond to self and other ’s needs, feeling, emotion, disposition, motivation, purpose and behavior in the process of problem-solving and goal-accomplishing.

In this paper, social intelligence was used to explain a reporter ’s ability in executing his news assignment facing the pressure from news sources. In other words, the concept was referred to how a reporter developed the strategy, under the constraint from the context, to deal with all the challenges in news interviews.

We used a news event, which drew close society-wide attention in July, 1997, as our case to closely examine how a senior reporter successfully received permission to talk to this famous writer who was involved in an extramarital scandal. Interestingly, the two (reporter and writer) had been knowing each other for many years, but the task for a scoop story forced the reporter, who had been in the journalism business for more than 20 years, to first contact the writer and then ask for an interview. In the process, the reporter used her social intelligence to persuade the writer to come out and face the public, and therefore accomplish her task to get the story in just a couple of days.

Further, while the reporter hinted in her news story that the writer ’s betrayal of the family was obviously a behavior not acceptable to most of the society, she (reporter) also used a lot of writing skills to show to the writer that she is still faithful to their long-term friendship.

We then concluded in our study that the concept of social intelligence could possibly be observed in the reporter-source interaction and should be continuously studied in the future. The case was obviously not unique but popular and could easily be examined in the reporter ’s daily routines. Simply put, a reporter has to clearly understand his/her own knowledge and experience for the assigned task, and in the meantime he or she needs to get familiar with the source ’s background and needs and the constraints from the context. That means, personal task, understanding of other ’s needs, and context may be considered as the three important factors for the concept of social intelligence for the reporters.
social intelligence,interaction,expert knowledge,context