1998年年會論文 -全球化與本土化之辨證關係
Dialectics of Localization and Globalization in Global Society
Chuang, Rueyling
在八十年代與九十年代大眾傳播及科技的影響下,全球化社會逐漸形成, 受此潮流的衝擊,台灣也漸漸走向全球化與多元文化的社會。此現象正是後現代主義的最佳寫照,換句話說,本土化與全球化之間界限的模糊性成了後現代主義時期的特色之一。台灣因政治生態的改變, 本土化的意識也為之高漲,後現代主義學者認為,全球化的中心問題在於單元文化與多元文化之間的辯證關係。有些學者認為所謂的 "全球化" 事實上就是美國化及西方化的代語。透過大眾傳播和科技所促成的全球化 (或美國化),其結果可能造成文化與思想方面的帝國主義或殖民主義, 並因而減低對當地文化的認同感。本文主旨在於探討全球化與本土化之間的辨證關係。探討的重點包括文化整體與分岐化,第三文化,誇國文化,以及全球化社會形成後,可能造成世界文化單一化的後果。
The emerging globalization propelled by new technology and mass media in the ‘80s and ‘90s exemplifies the thrust of postmodernism. In the postmodern era the boundary between global versus local becomes blurry. Featherstone (1990) contends that postmodernism is both a symptom and image of the global culture enriched by diversity, a variety of local discourses, codes, and practices. In a similar vein, Hannerz contends that the world culture is marked by an organization of diversity rather than by a replication of uniformity(p. 237). On the other hand, globalization also becomes a catalyst for the emergence of third cultures and a unified world culture. Thus, the dialectics between globalization and localization and the ramifications of an emerging global culture warrant our attention. The extent to which a unified world culture affects cultural diversity and the maintenance of local identity should be carefully examined.

The dialectics between global and local culture can be exemplified by Hannerz ’s (1990) observation: the world culture is created through the increasing interconnection of varied local cultures. Appadurai (1990) posits that the central problem of globalization is the dialectic tension between cultural homogenization and heterogenization. However, Dezalay (1990) argues that globalization is for the most part an Americanization (p. 281). The Americanization of a global culture via technology and mass media might lead to political hegemony, cultural imperialism and intellectual colonization, and consequently diminish local identity.

This paper seeks to explicate the dialectic contradictions between localization and globalization. The author examines the implications of a unified world culture as the consequence of globalization, as well as the homogenization and heterogenization of local cultures. The foci of the paper include the dialectical process of cultural integration, cultural disintegration, and the effects of an emerging transnational culture, global culture, and a third culture.
Americanization, colonization, diversity, dialectics, globalization,glocalization, heterogenization, homogenization, localization,intellectual hegemony, world culture