2018年年會論文 -與村民共舞: 中正大學「急行軍講東講西」節目的在地實踐
與村民共舞: 中正大學「急行軍講東講西」節目的在地實踐
Dancing with Villagers : The Local Practice of the Radio Program in Chung Cheng University, Jixingjun talks everything.
管中祥 洪育增


讀書會等⽅式蒐集資料、製作節⽬。他們將⾃⼰ 視為在地成員,與村⺠⼀ 起合作完
「⼩歷史」,發揮社區媒介應有的功能,甚⾄⾃⼰ 也成了媒介,作為學校與社區看

 The radio program, Jixingjun talks everything, is belong to one of the student associations in Chung

Cheng University, Pineapple Culture Community. Their pattern to make the radio program is different
from media interns in the other department of Communication. They continue the experience of
People's Theatre in the past, and use some solutions, for example, doing the field research, making
a study group, and so on, to collect some information and make the radio program. They think
themselves are local people, and try to make the radio program with villagers. In the program, it
presents so much information about the culture, the history, and the look of villagers’ daily life in
Sanxing Village. Pineapple Culture Community keeps the local history, and shows the function which
is a community media should do. They even let themselves be the medium to let Chung Cheng
university and Sanxing Community see and understand each other. During the process of making the
radio program, Pineapple Culture Community hopes to reduce the gap and the conflict between the
university and the community. Furthermore, let the university and the community to help each other,
even make and contribute the local society together.
Community Media, Pineapple Culture Community, University Social Responsibility