2019年年會論文 -數位媒體時代核心課程與選修模組規畫之探討
Research on Core Curriculum and Selective Module Planning in the Digital Media Era
shih, poyeh

傳播教育與課程研究聚焦傳播學術與實務間的拉距,如何縮減學用落 差。其次,關注在如何教 ? 怎麼學 ? 談傳播知識與教學實務。最後,則是近 年科技議題,引起教學實務與課程設計的討論。國內傳播科系自 2001 迄今持 續成長,從 24 所學校到 32 所學校,較 2001 年更成長三成。從研究者較為熟 悉的某一私立綜合型大學 ( 以下簡稱 N 大 ) ,其傳播系課程從核心 ( 必修 ) 到 選修模組歷經 20 餘年歷史。其課程理念,從傳統媒體型式進行切割,劃分為 平面、廣播、公關、戲劇、電視新聞、研究,再分別規畫「創意傳播就業學程」 ( 含括公關、戲劇、研究 ) 與「傳播多媒體就業學程」( 含括平面、廣播、電 視新聞 ) ,學生於就學期間需擇一學程進行修課規畫。本計畫將選擇 N 大進 行個案研究,一方面研究者較為熟稔,易於搜集研究資料;另一方面進行行 動研究,可將研究結果予以回饋,改善既有課程規畫。此外,研究者亦挑選 與 N 大性質較為接近之五間大學 ( 佛光、義守、長榮、靜宜、玄奘 ) 傳播科系, 做為參考比較點,了解這些傳播科系之學程模組規畫。再加以及蒐集媒體實 習機構意見和 N 大師生意見,來檢視 N 大現行課程架構,建立傳播教育與科 技層面應用價值。在研究步驟部分,預計透過國內傳播院系課程資料盤點、 網路問卷調查及深度訪談法進行。


The department of communication has continued to grow since 2001, from 24 schools to 32 schools, a 30% increase from 2001.Communication education and curriculum research focus on academic and practical gaps, and how to teach? how to learn? In recent years, it has been influenced by communication technology, which has led to discussions on teaching practice and curriculum design. This study reviews McLuhan's media education-related discourse, supplemented by Hase & Kenyon's (2000) “Heutagogy” perspective, which explores how curriculum planning and teaching can be applied to students in the electronic generation. This study conducts case studies with a private comprehensive university, collects media internships and students' opinions, examines the current curriculum structure, and selects FoGuang, YiShou, ChangJung, Providence, HsuanChuang for comparison. The study found that most of the core courses, elective modules and learning paths of the relevant communication departments have clear learning path planning, and the employment-oriented setting of learning objectives. In addition, the electronic generation students' learning process is influenced by external media, nonlinear learning, high dynamics and low trust. This study suggests that in the electronic media generation, the communication curriculum structure needs to be open and flexible, with the goal of student self-learning, in order to improve students' learning motivation, establish the uniqueness of communication departments and face the changes of media technology.
Keywords: Heutagogy, core curriculum, communication technology, communication education, digitalmedia 

Heutagogy, core curriculum, communication technology, communication education, digitalmedia