2021年年會論文 -你聽的是 Podcast 還是資本的鼓噪: 以推敲可能模式透析 Podcast節目類型與不同廣告訴求間的交互作用
你聽的是 Podcast 還是資本的鼓噪: 以推敲可能模式透析 Podcast節目類型與不同廣告訴求間的交互作用
Are you listening to the Podcast or the advocate of capitalism: An elaboration likelihood model approach for investigating the interaction between Podcast program types and different advertising appeals
蔡捷宇 沈夏

 近期,Podcast 蔚為風潮,創作者紛紛在節目內加入廣告。但何 種廣告才能讓聽眾有效接受?本研究透過推敲可能模式,將 Podcast 節目(資訊型/娛樂型)與廣告訴求(理性/感性)進行關聯性推論, 探究其廣告態度、品牌態度和購買意願。結果發現,節目類型與廣告 訴求間存在交互作用,當「資訊型節目加入理性廣告」和「娛樂型節 目加入感性廣告」時,會因遵循同一條思考路徑而擁有較佳的廣告效 果。本研究有助於未來 Podcast 廣告製作上有更深的參考依據。


 Podcasts are in vogue these days, and Podcast creators are putting advertisements in their programs. However, which kind of advertisement can be effective? Based on the elaboration likelihood model, this research investigated the relationships between Podcast program types (information/entertainment) and advertising appeals (rational/emotional), and their impacts on attitudes toward the advertisement and the brand, as well as the purchase intentions. The results showed an interaction between program types and advertising appeals. A rational advertisement could lead to better advertising effects when it was inserted in an information program than an entertainment program, and vice versa for an emotional advertisement. In other words, the advertising effect was more effective when the program and the advertisement involved the same information processing route than different routes. This study could shed light on how to design an effective Podcast advertisements in the future.

Podcast 節目類型、品牌態度、推敲可能模式、廣告訴求、廣告態度、購買意願
Podcast program types, Attitude toward the brand, Elaboration likelihood model, Advertising appeals, Attitude toward the advertisement, Purchase intentions