2022年年會論文 -身份、角色與責任的力量:從即時通訊軟體的濫用對組織成員的情緒勞務、壓力感知及行為傾向
The Power of Identity, Role, and Responsibility: From Messenger Abuse Emotional labor, pressure perception and behavioral tendencies towards organizational members

本研究旨在探討軍事組織成員對即時通訊軟體的濫用感知,對工作壓力與因應行為傾向之影響,並以情緒勞務作為調節變項。研究以問卷調查法及滾雪球抽樣取得306位國軍志願役官、士、兵填答之有效樣本,經問卷分析後發現,軍事組織成員會因即時通訊軟體的濫用產生壓力,但不同層次的「個人焦點」與「工作焦點」情緒勞務會產生負向調節作用,進而減少工作壓力。在面對壓力時的因應行為傾向則可區分為「積極處理」與「消極面對」等方式。研究發現,軍事組織成員可以透過不同層次的情緒勞務積累,進而內化組織規範與校正角色定位,可使部份工作壓力得到緩解。研究建議,軍事組織在運用新科技做為溝通形式時, 應注意運用時段及其組織規範下情緒勞務與工作壓力對成員的影響,避免因為即時通訊軟體的濫用,使得組織成員的身心狀況受到損傷。 


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of military organization members' perception of instant messaging software abuse on work stress and coping behavior, with emotional labor as a moderating variable. The questionnaire survey method and snowball sampling method were used to obtain valid samples of 306 volunteer officers, soldiers and soldiers of the National Army. It was found that the abuse of instant messaging software caused pressure by members of military organizations, while emotional labor was negatively adjusted to reduce work pressure. . The stress-responsive behaviors tend to have "positive handling" and "negative facing" ways according to different characteristics. This study explores how members of military organizations internalize organizational norms and personal job role positioning through the accumulation of emotional labor, which has a relieving effect in the face of stress due to the enhancement of their sense of identity. The study suggests that when military organizations use new technology as a communication method, they should pay attention to the use of time periods, and the impact of emotional labor and work pressure on members under the organizational norms, so as to avoid the abuse of instant messaging software, which will damage the physical and mental conditions of organization members. 

military organization, instant messaging software, emotional labor, stress, coping tendencies